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IEBC to Get Ksh.10B for Repeat of Elections

BY Soko Directory Team · September 21, 2017 02:09 pm

A total of 10 billion shillings have been allocated for the repeat of upcoming Presidential Elections by the Cabinet.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) had earlier on request for 11 billion for the said elections, but the allocation is less by a billion shillings.

“Cabinet today approved an allocation of 10 billion shillings to cover these repeat Presidential elections. This allocation was based on a proposed budget submitted by the electoral agency IEBC,” read a statement from Statehouse Spokesperson Manoah Esipisu.

The repeat elections have been scheduled for October 26th, 2017, nine days more from the previous set date of October 17th, 2017.

The Cabinet meeting was chaired by President Uhuru Kenyatta.  Deputy President William Ruto was also present together with all Cabinet Secretaries.

The main agenda for the meeting was for the cabinet to reorganize planned expenditures for 2017/18 fiscal year, in line with Article 223 of the Constitution and Section 44 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 2012 in order to meet the obligations wrought by the new priorities.

The statement further disclosed that the cabinet agreed to regularize all approved expenditures granted in terms of Article 223 of the Constitution and also approved all the reallocations as proposed in the Financial Year 2017/18 Supplementary Budget estimates.

Other core areas of focus in the supplementary budget that were discussed included enhancement of free secondary education, where a total of 25 billion shillings were allocated to cover the programme.

The cabinet also approved an allocation of 6.5 billion shillings to cover the enhanced Inua Jamii programme, under which all Kenyans aged 70 and above are entitled to a stipend that ensures they lead decent lives in retirement.

Furthermore, 4.2 billion shillings was allocated to cover the hosting of the African Nations Championships (CHAN), one in a growing list of events Kenya has bid for as part of showcasing our nation’s talent and promoting tourism while 1.9 billion shillings to settle the last bunch of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), a legacy of the 2007/08 post-election violence.

Cabinet agreed to rationalize Government allocations to development projects funded fully using locally raised revenues, as well as curtail aspects of expenditure not seen as priorities in order to meet its new obligations.

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