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5 Common Reasons Why Your Nails Aren’t Growing

BY Soko Directory Team · May 4, 2019 01:05 am

Nails are a very special part of women’s beauty because even when we’re not wearing makeup or our finest outfits, even when our hair is not at its best, they still make a striking statement of elegance.

Well-cared-for perfect nails are the mark of a competent, confident, healthy woman, so we should never neglect them.

However, not all women have had great experiences when it comes to their nails, me being one of them. Most women have had to deal with weak and brittle types that never seem to grow.

Several factors can hinder the growth of your nails, from your daily lifestyle to how and what you eat.

Here are a few reasons as to why your nails are not growing and what you can do about it:

Health conditions

Certain health conditions could be the reason why they aren’t growing properly.

The most common health condition associated with discolored, brittle and weak nails is fungal infections such as paronychia and onychomycosis.

Fungal infections cause the base of your nails to have a completely different appearance than usual and cause low self-esteem among most women.

Fungal infections are easy to treat by using over the counter medicine that has been prescribed by your doctor, avoid sharing nail-cutting tools and observe general hygiene.

Ridges, discoloration, and abnormal unevenness can indicate heart, liver, lung, and many other illnesses.

Lack of a balanced diet

Failing to keep a nutritional diet could affect the growth of your nails in a tremendous way. Brittle nails may very well be a sign that your diet is lacking in iron, zinc, and protein.

Foods such as beans, broccoli, and certain meats are said to help replace these lost deposits. However, culprits like sugar, high-glycemic foods, or excessive amounts of Vitamin A could also be the reason behind the issue. Learn to maintain a balanced diet in order to keep your nails in a healthy condition.

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Biting nails consistently

Biting a nail is a terrible habit that comes from nervousness or boredom. Most people don’t have control over this problem as it is done subconsciously and they don’t realize what they are doing.

Breaking a bad habit like this one has to be one of the hardest things biters can do, but if you have the willpower and you can quit it.

One of the most recommended solutions to biting is the use of a treatment polish which contains a formula with an extremely bitter taste.

Chemicals in nail polish

Certain chemicals in nail polishes can be damaging, therefore, you should consider giving your nails a break.

No matter how much we all love nail polish, too much nail polish can leave your nails chipped and they may even change in color. Keep them natural, and enjoy the look at least one or two weeks in a month.

Also, think twice before buying nail polish, because bad quality nail polish can hinder the growth of your nails greatly. Make sure to go for nail polish that has vitamins in it.

Breakage from Work

Certain occupations can be damaging to your nails, not allowing them to grow in the way that they should.

For instance, those who work in a job that involves placing your hands in water can make them extremely soft and prone to breakage. For example, house cleaning products and soaps can expose nails to toxins which cause dryness and result in cracks within them.

Make sure to use gloves when cleaning around the house to avoid brittle and irritated nails.

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