Pornhub is the only brand in the world that has been growing without being advertised. Though it is considered as an “adult site,” any living thing that knows how to use the internet can access it.
In 2019 alone, Pornhub received a total of 42 billion visits. This means that a Pornbub received 115 million visits per day. Putting these numbers into perspective, it is the same as almost everyone in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania visiting the site at the same time.
Pornhub receiving 115 million visits per day is equivalent to populations in Canada, Australia, Poland, and the Netherlands all visiting the site in one day.
2019 must have been an adventurous year for many people around the world. There were 39 billion searches on Pornhub, 8 billion more than what was recorded in 2018.
READ: Here Are The Top 5 Most Visited Websites In Kenya 2019
Among the most searched words on Pornhub were good, love, like, sexy, pretty, nice among others with the majority of searches being of those interested in watching sex between people of opposite sex. The number of those searching for homosexuals and lesbians was on the rise too.
During this year, 70 million messages were sent between Pornhub users who have been using the site as a “social media tool.” The site also realized 11.5 million comments on its videos.
A total of 98,000 new models joined Pornhub in 2019 alone bringing the total number of verified models to 130,000. The stats get even more interesting. Pornhub received 80,032 visits every minute, 77,861 searches per minute and 219,985 video views per minute.
Distribution of pornographic material is illegal in Kenya and those found doing saw are often arrested. At one point, the Cabinet Secretary for Education Professor George Magoha suggested that the government blocks access to all pornographic sites in Kenya leading to an uproar.
On Pornhub, Kenyan men were placed at position three in searching for “big beautiful women”. Nigerians topped the World for the search of “big beautiful women” on Pornhub.
READ: It will take you 169 Years to Watch all New Videos Uploaded on PornHub in 2019 Alone