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Millers Yet to Get Direction On Duty-Free Maize

BY Jane Muia · January 18, 2023 11:01 am

The government is yet to issue clarity on the importation of duty-free maize with less than a month to the opening of the importation window.

Millers say they are yet to hear from the government despite having applied for permits to import the grain. More than 5 large-scale millers have so far applied for the permits and they are waiting for directions from the government.

The millers want to know the quantity of maize each will be allowed to ship in, and the criteria that will be used in the allocation quota.

“We cannot make any orders now without clarity on the type of maize that we should import and the quantities that each miller should be allowed to ship in the country,” said Aggarwal Atin, CEO of Trident Millers.

The clarity delays are likely to delay the importation of the grain which is expected to ease pressure on the maize flour prices.  Millers say after making an order, it takes at least 45 days for the consignment to arrive in the country.

The ministry of agriculture last year allowed millers and traders to import 900,000 tonnes or 10 million bags of white duty-free maize from February 1, 2023, to ease the surging cost of the country’s staple. The State will allow traders to ship in the commodity from outside the regional market duty-free between February and August just two months before the onset of the main harvest in October.

Millers however say due to the delays, the earliest the maize can get into the country is in March. They are also expressing fears that it might be hard to find sufficient stocks in the world market as there isn’t enough white maize globally as most of the produce in the would-be source market is genetically modified.

The government in October lifted the ban on the cultivation and importation of genetically modified crops, but it remains unclear whether farmers should import GMO maize.

Related Content: Maize Prices Down, Will The Consumers Get To Smile?

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