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Why It Is Important For Everyone To Rally Behind Green Businesses

BY Juma · May 9, 2023 08:05 am


Running away from the embrace of green business is like trying to deny that the earth does not exist. And will be the same as denying our very own existence. 


The good news is that the push to be green is in swing across the business world with the growing realization that sustainability is not only the morally right thing to do; it can also be more profitable.

Someone said that we need the earth more than it needs. The bitter truth is, we found the earth here and we shall leave it here, what will define our living and leaving the earth is the condition that we shall leave it in.

The young people say that You Only Live Once (YOLO), a rallying call that has made many not care about tomorrow, hence not caring how the earth should be after today. The rallying call should be; You Live Every Day (YULE); purposing to make tomorrow better than today.

Talking about the earth and how to make it better, the world has changed, thanks to technology. Technology is like that speed train that long left the station and those not on-board risk missing out, forever. But in embracing technology, and with innovations coming up daily, the need to secure the earth should come before everything else.

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One of the best ways to make sure that the earth is safe and habitable for millions of years to come is through the embracing of green business. For the new visitors in Jerusalem, green businesses, also called sustainable businesses, seek to balance profit with the health of the planet and its various populations.

Running away from the embrace of green business is like trying to deny that the earth does not exist. And will be the same as denying our very own existence. Pushing for the realization of green business is not the work of governments, countries, or just stakeholders, but for every human being walking and living on earth.

The good news is that the push to be green is in swing across the business world with the growing realization that sustainability is not only the morally right thing to do; it can also be more profitable. In other words, it’s not just corporate do-goodism, there are sound financial reasons why businesses should implement eco-friendly practices.

Every business and everyone should rally behind the green business, not just to save the earth, but for the sustainability and growth of their business in the following ways:

Profitability: the essence of going green in businesses is to cut on waste and maximize production using eco-friendly resources. The elimination of waste that comes as a result of using other non-friendly means increases the profitability of a business.

More customers: people do not buy products but people buy people and feelings. More customers are more attracted to businesses leaning towards green than those that do not. Green businesses make people feel appreciated and safe.

Easy marketing: your message about your products and services travels far and wide if your business is green than when it is not. This strategy has worked well with green businesses within the real estate sector. Real estate companies that have embraced green have it easy marketing their products than those that have only brick and mortar.

Related Content: The Importance Of Adopting Green Business Practices For All Businesses Across Africa

Any business that goes green falls right within the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Remember, in everything we do, we need the earth more than it needs us.

This week, we join the African Guarantee Fund (AGF) for the 8th Edition of the Green Finance Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi, where we aim to analyze opportunities and propose solutions necessary to meet the financing needs of Green SMEs to enable them to acquire skills and technologies that can mitigate the effects of climate change.

The event is Live on

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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