WhatsApp announced that after October 24, 2023, it will no longer provide support for Android 4.1. Only users with devices with Android 5.0 or later will be able to use the instant messaging application.
WhatsApp is one of the world’s most popular chat apps, having been around since 2009. Over the years, it has managed to amass billions of users who use the platform to connect with family, friends, and workmates on a daily basis.
Its early entry into the online chat space is what gave it the numbers it boasts today. While it may not be better than other apps like Telegram, it still dwarfs them by sheer numbers.
This is likely why users of WhatsApp have never left the app, the majority of people, particularly in markets outside the US, use it, and switching to another chat app would be an inconvenience.
WhatsApp is one of the most important and widely used tools for consumers across the globe. It allows users to communicate for several purposes, such as business and personal. The texting platform has been working on a number of new features for consumers to try out in the near future.
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WhatsApp is also working on multi-device support for smartphones, something which many users have been looking forward to for several years.
WhatsApp also often stops working on older devices as new ones are released. On December 31st, 2022, for instance, it was no longer working on more than 49 devices.
Specifically, iPhones running iOS 10 and iOS 11 lost access to the messaging app on October 24th, 2022, along with a number of older Android smartphones. Although many people may have upgraded to newer devices, there are still some outdated smartphones in use.
WhatsApp announced that after October 24, 2023, it will no longer provide support for Android 4.1. Only users with devices with Android 5.0 or later will be able to use the instant messaging application.
Due to the age of certain Samsung phones, as of June 1, WhatsApp will gradually stop working on 6 Galaxy devices that still need to meet the minimum compatibility requirements.
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