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‘Niko 15’ Campaign Winners Announcement

BY · September 30, 2015 02:09 am

Action 2015 is a movement made up of thousands of organisations, coalitions and partnerships that reflect the diversity of activists fighting injustice, inequalities, poverty and climate change all over the world. 2015 isn’t just a year; it’s a unique opportunity to change our future and the time to act is now. We are mobilising together to ensure that this year marks the start of an ambitious and inclusive future.

The Coalition made up of Save the Children Kenya, Amnesty International Kenya, United Nations Millenium Campaign (UNMC), The Seed Institute, Voluntary Service Overseas Jitolee (VSO Jitolee) and Safaricom successfully launched the ‘Niko 15’ Competition to coincide with the Global Launch of Action 2015 Campaign. The Competition was run for 1 month, between February 15th 2015 and March 15th 2015.

Action 2015 is a movement made up of thousands of organisations, coalitions and partnerships that reflect the diversity of activists fighting injustice, inequalities, poverty and climate change all over the world.

The competition sought to see and hear how 15 year olds see a world without poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. Entries were made via photography, drawings, poetry, song or short essays.

Entries from across the country were received and have been reviewed and judged. We are pleased and privileged to declare the Schools from which the TOP 15 students came. These are:

  1. Precious Blood Riruta, Nairobi.
  2. Ober Boys Secondary School, Homabay.
  3. Kisukioni Secondary School, Machakos.
  4. Kiogo SDA Mixed School, Kisii.
  5. Prudent Academy, Nairobi.
  6. Mawego Girls, Homabay.
  7. Chebilat, Bomet.
  8. Mangu High School, Kiambu.
  9. Juliet Education Centre, Nairobi.

Specific details on the winners have already been sent out to the schools via email and telephone. For Further direction and Instructions please contact us through +254 020 4246000, 0726480014, email

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