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Tuskys Re- Launches Imara Branch With New Employees’ Bonus Scheme

BY · September 30, 2015 07:09 am

We all know that Tuskys is a market leader in retail in East Africa. We also know that Tuskys started from very humble beginnings. Few other Kenyan companies have attained this level of success. In fact, nearly all other big Kenyan companies have significant foreign ownership. So those of us young people who have now been entrusted with leadership of The Tuskys brand, are taking off with a solid foundation from those who came before us. I want to thank the Directors who are here today, as we launch this program for the work they did.

Today we are here to launch Tuskys 2.0. Tuskys 2.0 will be a customer centric retailer, Tuskys 2.0 will be an efficient and innovative retailer. We want to be known for excellent customer service and responsiveness.

I am very delighted today to see young people in their 20s ready to take the challenge. Our generation will be here to serve the brand for some time, just like those who came before us. Willy, the Store Manager is also in my generation. It is now upon you, the generation after us, to step up quickly to the opportunity that is ahead of you. When I came to Tuskys in 2010, it was through merit. A job was advertised in the papers, I applied, attended 3 interviews and got it starting as Internal Auditor. Five years later, I am CEO. I did not have any connections, you will not need connections, but will need performance. That will be the Tuskys of the future, where people will be promoted through merit.

We have chosen Tuskys Imara for 2 reasons. Every day 10, 000 customers go through IMARA’s doors. Tuskys psyche and mood can be felt through the doors of Imara. You have been selected because management has faith in you. We are confident that you will carry the dream of Tuskys 2.0 proudly. This program will thereafter be rolled out to all branches throughout the month of October.

Allow me to highlight some of the features that will define Tuskys 2.0.


  1. As I mentioned earlier, all the company’s efforts from HQ to the branch will be to the delight of the customer. All of us will work towards the same goal, the best customer experience!
  1. Staff Bonus: Tuskys brand will connect to the customer through the deeds of our employees. If the customer is happy, the employee will be happy. I want to announce that there will be a bonus available to all employees every month, when targets are met. This bonus will be calculated in a simple formula that every employee can understand.  The bonus will be category based. So for example if clothing category hits their monthly target, everyone working in that category gets a bonus. There will be further communication on how the bonus will be computed. In terms of quantum, this is a bonus of up to Kshs.9.6m for Imara branch available to be earned. For the entire business, the total bonuses available to be unlocked will be Kshs. 150m
  1. Staff loyalty card. Because of system challenges we have previously encountered, our staff have not been incorporated into the reward program. Today here in Imara, we are opening the reward system to register our staff. In addition to this, Management will negotiate for discounts from suppliers that will exclusively be enjoyed by staff.
  1. 4. Staff Uniform: We want our customers to identify and approach us whenever they need help. To that end, all of us must be in uniform while on duty. But most important, a smile and courtesy, are the best uniform one could have.
  1. Organizational discipline: There can be no success without discipline in any organization. Here in Tuskys, we honor discipline. Our founder Joram Kamau, was known for his discipline and respect for others. I urge you to uphold discipline and respect for order. The manager at the store and his supervisors have now been empowered on all matters involving staff performance and discipline.
  1. Processes and Procedures: Today, we launch afresh the processes manual. The internal audit team will spend some time here to see that this is properly understood and effectively implemented.


Dan Githua


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