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The Business of Shopkeepers in Kenya

BY Juma · June 3, 2016 07:06 am

They are found everywhere, in cities, towns and in the villages and known by almost everyone who associates with them; the shopkeepers.

There is nothing as interesting and as profitable as opening a shop in the village. In most villages in Kenya, shopkeepers are even more famous than the village elder because people interact with them more frequently.
One can become real rich in the world of business just by opening a shop in the village. The business of operating a business of a shop in the rural areas, however, requires the brains and not only the interest and the skill.
Many people have taken loans and investors in shops in the villages with no returns out of them and instead of finding out the genesis of the problem, they end up blaming it to witchcraft.
Did you know that taking a loan and setting up a shop is the best business venture ever? For you to set up a shop in the village, consider the following;
  • Find out what people want

Do not just set up a shop without a purpose. Some start a business simply because they want to keep themselves busy or because someone else is doing it. The best business is that which solves a problem. Find out what problems villagers are facing when purchasing goods, the kind of goods they purchase most and what you can do to improve on them.
  • Be flexible in the form of currency

People in the villages are very interesting. The more flexible you are the more you are likely to benefit a lot from them. Barter trade still exists in the villages. Someone will bring an egg, a grain or valuable item in exchange of a commodity. You have to be flexible and accept them and then sell them letter to make some more money for yourself.
  • Separate business from friendship

The major reason why businesses fail in the villages is because of friendship. Sometimes when you become too close to the people, they tend to take that for granted and sometimes take goods from your shop on credit and never pay back. If possible, never give something out on credit. Business is business and it is two way traffic, you give me this and I give you this.
  • Find a suitable location to set up your shop

The best location to set up a shop in the villages is usually by the side of the road where people can easily see and access it.
Putting all those into consideration, you now take that little loan and invest. Let the book be your best friend. Always put everything down in writing. Write down every little profit on every commodity in your shop for it is what will help you in paying back your loan.

Off the Cuff

The business of doing business is a serious business.

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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