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Is The Country On The Right Track With The Heightened Political Atmosphere?

BY Juma · September 26, 2016 06:09 am

2017 is fast approaching. The bells announcing the next in Kenya have already started ringing and people have set their ears straight, like antennas ready to receive the sound waves.

The political temperature in the country is already at its boiling point. Politicians are busy traversing the country trying to convince the voters why they should ascend to power and why they should hold on.

Those already in power want to continue holding on and those not in, want to come in by all means. Already, the dust has left the ground, tongues are wagging and the economy is watching from a distance waiting to see, if this election year, just like other election years, it will suffer.

The political war is now between two political giants. The members are calling themselves horses. The two giants are the newly formed Jubilee party and the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD).

Jubilee was formed after more than 14 political parties dissolved to form one single party which the incumbent, President Uhuru Kenyatta wishes to use to reclaim his seat come 2017.

The opposition is yet to decide on who is the flag bearer for the forth coming elections thought word has it the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga will be the man to take on President Uhuru Kenyatta. Already President Uhuru Kenyatta has told Raila Odinga that he is not going to leave.

President Uhuru at one time hilariously  said that “Nyama tutakula na nyinyi mtaendelea kumeza mate” (paraphrased) literally meaning, “We shall continue eating the mean as you salivate.” What the Head of State meant was that the opposition will only be dreaming about the presidency for he will still be the president after the next General Elections.

The opposition on the other hand has vowed to ascend to power. The opposition has also vowed that it will not accept the election results of the process will not be free and fair.

At one point, the opposition said that it will not go to court this time round and tried to show the power it had on the streets during the infamous IEBC demonstrations.

READ: Drums of War are Beating and We Have to be Worried

With politicians breathing fire, with the tension already reaching at its peak and with the people already aligning themselves along tribal lines just like other election years, is the country moving towards the right direction? Is the economy of Kenya in safe hands at the moment now that everyone is becoming politically charged?

Every election period in Kenya, the economy often suffers negatively. Investors are often skeptical about investing in new ventures every electioneering period. Some who wish to come and invest always put their plans on halt to monitor the political situation from a distance first.

During this period too, though not known to many, the looting of public resources is always at its highest level. This is because people are busy looking for campaign money and some, knowing that they might not be coming back to the same position, loot with “vigor”.

Accountability is always at its lowest point during this period and with the kind of massive looting that has been going on even before the period, one only wonders what is happening at the moment.

Most people are of the opinion that the Next General elections will be peaceful. Some argue basing on the premise that Kenyans learned a bitter lesson during the 2007/2008 Post Election Violence. This premise, however, appears not to hold any water basing on what happened during the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) some few months back.

During those demonstrations, property worth millions were destroyed, people lost their lives and many others left nursing injuries. The IEBC demonstrations showed that Kenyans learned no lesson and that they were ready to take to the streets to demonstrate, destroy property and cause mayhem immediately they are called upon by their political kingpins.

READ: Property Worth Millions Destroyed During #CORDdemos
With the kind of utterances flying around from the politicians, most of whom are vomiting real venom, the next General Elections will only be peaceful if Kenyans want to. But the question is, are Kenyans ready to make sound decisions on their own without listening to orders and commands from the so called politicians?

As I pen down, allow me to say that the drums of war are already beating. They are beating fast the date is approaching at a breakneck speed too. The country now needs sound judgement, it needs someone to stand up and say no. But where is that someone?


Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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