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Government and Policy

Who brutally killed Chris Musando and why? Questions emerge

BY David Indeje · July 31, 2017 12:07 pm

Chris Musando, the ICT Manager at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)was found dead on Saturday according to police.

However, his death was reported on Monday with one of his arms cut off, police said.
The late’s body was found in Kikuyu and taken to City Mortuary in Nairobi on Saturday.

IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati said, “The killing and murder of our employee Chris Musando. No doubt, he was tortured and murdered.”

“The only issue is who killed him and why…” 

“We all know that we are a few days from the elections and we all know it is the duty of the government to provide security for all Kenyans and at this time, I want to demand that the government provides security for all employees of IEBC for us to give Kenyans a free and fair election.”

According to Chebukati the late was last seen on Friday night.

“The last communication from him was an SMS sent to one of his colleagues at around 3 am on Saturday morning.”

Lawyer, Senator Mutula Kilonzo said, “Chris Musando was instrumental in the new Integrated electronic management system. His death should be treated as premeditated murder.”

Chris Musando was the head of information, communication and technology for the electoral board. His body was moved from the City Morgue to the Lee Funeral Home.

David Indeje is a writer and editor, with interests on how technology is changing journalism, government, Health, and Gender Development stories are his passion. Follow on Twitter @David_Indeje David can be reached on: (020) 528 0222 / Email:

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