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Businesses Remain Closed Ahead of Raila Odinga’s ‘Oath Taking’

BY Juma · January 30, 2018 05:01 am

Businesses within Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, remained closed on Tuesday ahead of the planned ‘oath-taking’ of the leader of National Super Alliance (NASA) Raila Odinga and his deputy Kalonzo Musyoka.

Most shops within the Central Business District (CBD) have remained closed as people keep away from the city, fearing that the ceremony might escalate into violence.

There were no normal traffic jams that are often witnessed within the city on a normal working day, a clear indication that most people had kept off from accessing the city.

The ‘swearing in’ ceremony is set to take place at Nairobi’s historical Uhuru Park although the podium was yet to be set up by the time of going to press. The NASA brigade is yet to issue a statement whether the swearing in will still take place at Uhuru Park.

Nairobi police boss, Japheth Koome had outlawed the ceremony saying that the police officers would not allow anybody to have access to the venue.

Koome said that NASA had not notified the police on the planned event and vowed to use the police to repulse anyone with an intention to hold a ‘function with an illegality’.

The Attorney General Githu Muigai had warned the opposition that any attempt to try to swear in Raila Odinga was ‘an attempt to try to establish a government which was not in accordance with the Constitution and that that was illegal.’

The AG said that the attempt amounted to high treason whose punishment was death, a move the opposition has dismissed saying they were ready to die if that is what will bring ‘electoral justice in Kenya.’

NASA says it will swear in Raila Odinga basing on the election results of August 8th, 2017 which they say their leader won against President Uhuru Kenyatta. NASA has gone ahead to release the results which it said are credible and a clear evidence that ‘Raila Odinga is the true President of the people.’

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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