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Facebook’s New ‘Revenge Porn’ Tool to Protects Users from Offensive Uploads

BY Soko Directory Team · March 18, 2019 09:03 am

Facebook has come up with a tool ‘Revenge Porn’ to protect its users from offensive uploads of their private images by malicious users.

Previously, offended users who would through one way or the other find their private images publicly shared on Facebook could only Flag the video or photo and wait to have the image reviewed before it could be pulled down.

The inconvenience of the previous tool was that before the App’s moderator could pull down the offensive content, it would be too late as it would mostly have been shared out.

The new ‘Revenge Porn’ AI tool will detect and remove intimate pictures and videos posted without the subject’s consent ensuring the content does not go public and embarrass the subject.

In an unexpected move, the App has proposed that Facebook users send their intimate images for identification to ensure blocking of any of their unauthorized uploads.

Facebook users are however unwilling to share revealing content on social-media given previous privacy failures.

Facebook moderators have in previous times complained of post-traumatic stress disorder given some of the content they are exposed to in their line of duty.

Relationships have been destroyed and jobs lost through malicious sharing of private images that are viewed as pornographic once in public. In Kenya, the case of Radio Africa Managing Director, Martin Khafafa, whose private images were shared on Facebook by Blogger Nyakundi is still fresh. Khafafa could have probably been able to avoid the situation if the tool ‘Revenge Porn’ was available.

Social media sites face the challenge of monitoring and preventing inappropriate uploads and Facebook has been on the lead of facing backlash for allowing such content to stay up for too long.

The ‘Revenge Porn’ tool will be used on both Facebook and Instagram and is tailored to use pictures.

The App recognizes posts with almost nude photos accompanied by text that suggest the person posting seeks to humiliate, embarrass or seek revenge on another user.

Revenge Porn tool is probably the one tool that will bring a sense of morality to the App if effective.

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