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Here Is The Best Place To Set Up A Massage Parlor In Nairobi

BY Juma · December 26, 2019 11:12 am

2020 is here. As it is the norm, Kenyans will be setting their New Year resolutions. Among those resolutions will be “setting up a successful business.”

If you are planning to set up a business in Nairobi, then you should think of setting up a massage parlor. You will make some real good money.

Massage parlours in Nairobi targeting men and making lots of cash. But choosing the right place to set up a massage parlor plays a very big role in the successfulness of your business.

Have you ever been to Allsopps, along Outering Road, the area around Naivas Supermarket Ruaraka? Allsopps (Naivas) is a fast-developing region with with numerous tall buildings coming up.

You can say the middle-class is increasingly moving to Allsopps and the area is expanding. In the recent days, there has been an increasing demand for massage services in the area.

In the whole area, there are 3 small massages within small kinyozis and salons. These three massage “parlours” are always full with lots of men searching for the service.

If you are looking to make some good money, set aside some cash and start a real professional massage parlor in this area. Look for some beautiful and professional ladies, sit back and watch your cash streaming in.

The only challenge is to find a nice building to set up your business. There are few business buildings around the area and most of them are fully booked.

The good thing is when you finally find a nice room, the rent is quite friendly in this place. Most people, seeing nice buildings, assume that the rent is high and tend to shy away but not in this place.

Currently, most people seeking professional massage services are heading to Westlands where a 60 to 90-minute session costs between 3,000 and 5,000 shillings.

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it.(020) 528 0222 or Email:

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