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Company Profile: How TenderSoko Is Helping Kenyans Identify Opportunities

BY Soko Directory Team · July 27, 2021 09:07 am

KEY POINTS is an online tenders publishing website keen on ensuring suppliers get to view all tenders before their due date is reached

Everyone would like to win that one tender, (big or small) for the sole purpose of making money. In most cases, getting to know of available tenders is not easy. Mostly, you must “know someone” to be briefed on such tenders to apply.

But technology has changed everything. Currently, with a click of a button, one can access different tender offers thanks to platforms such as TenderSoko. Through this platform, Kenyans can post and access different tenders and easily bid for them. is an online tenders publishing website keen on ensuring suppliers get to view all tenders before their due date is reached. was started with 3 main aims:

  • As a platform for anyone around the world to view daily tenders from Kenya & Eastern Africa.
  • To help businesses receive information concerning tenders in due time.
  • A platform where businesses can view past advertised tenders as well as get the tender documents.
  • Offer advice to startups on business systems and entrepreneurship.
  • Provide training on supply chain system systems

The platform post tenders from private businesses, publicly listed companies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Institutions, Parastatals, County Governments & the National Government.

“We source tenders from every available media as well as receiving tenders directly from clients. we have also invested heavily in finding as many additional sources of information as possible, particularly relating to the smaller contracts which are generally much easier for a small or medium-sized company to win,” said TenderSoko.

Some of the key tasks that TenderSoko does include list the latest tenders on a daily basis to ensure that no one misses an opportunity. They also conduct training in tenders, helping people identify opportunities, conduct business and pursue strategies that will improve chances of winning a tender.

One amazing thing about them is they also provide tender financials. “Do not let finances stand in the way of your opportunities. We got you financially.” They say.

For more information on TenderSoko, visit them here.

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