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The Following Teachers To Receive Salary Increment In July

BY Getrude Mathayo · March 23, 2023 12:03 pm


There were fears that the government may consider suspending the salary increments since the economy is struggling as a result of the Covid-19 shutdown.


The education committee’s chairman Julius Melly had urged the Commission to compensate and promote teachers who had stagnated in the same job group for many years as well as those who have been working in an acting capacity

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has reaffirmed that teachers will receive their final salary increments at the end of this month under the 2012017-2021 CBA. TSC is planning to award salary increments to teachers who have served for at least three years in a job group.

TSC got a nod when its request of 2.2 billion shillings for the promotion of teachers was approved by lawmakers in Parliament. Teachers who have stagnated in one job group for a period of three years and more now have a reason to smile following this latest move.

According to the report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee (BAC), the Budget Policy Statement (BPS) has also proposed additional allocation to enable TSC to promote about 14,000 teachers who despite having higher qualifications have stagnated in one position.

“Additional Sh2.2 billion (Recurrent) for the promotion of teachers,” reads the report of BAC chaired by Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro.

There were fears that the government may consider suspending the salary increments since the economy is struggling as a result of the Covid-19 shutdown. In the neighboring Country, Uganda, the Covid-19 pandemic, floods, and landslides have forced the government to push the planned pay rise for civil servants to 2023.

TSC plans to promote C1 teachers to C2, C2 to C3, and C3 to C4. Dr. Macharia when she appeared in Parliament said Sh600 million will be used to move 4,595 primary school teachers, currently in Job Group C1, to Job Group C2.

Another 400 million shillings will be used to promote 2,637 graduate teachers to Group C4 from Group C3. Over 175 million shillings will be used to promote 652 graduate teachers in Grade D3 to Grade D4.

TSC is seeking to promote 13,713 principals, deputy principals, senior masters, secondary teachers, head teachers, and deputy head teachers in secondary and primary schools. The highest vacancies in this category are Deputy Head Teacher II for regular primary schools, which has 7,720 posts.

TSC will also promote 2,733 head teachers for regular primary schools, 1,330 secondary teachers, 1,725 deputy principal II, 602 principals for regular schools, 224 deputy principal III for secondary schools, and some 208 Senior Master II.

There were also 73 vacancies for regular secondary school chief principals, 32 head teachers for Special Needs Education (SNE), 22 Deputy Headteachers for SNE schools, 17 posts for deputy principal I, eight principals for SNE, and four chief principals for SNE schools

Currently, TSC promotion interviews are ongoing in Counties. Among those shortlisted for promotion interviews are those seeking to be headteachers. TSC already said those in acting capacity will be given priority more so those in ASAL and hard-to-staff areas.

The education committee’s chairman Julius Melly had urged the Commission to compensate and promote teachers who had stagnated in the same job group for many years as well as those who have been working in an acting capacity

Committee also enhanced the budget of the State Department for Basic Education to Sh134.92 billion as well as that of TSC which was allocated Sh322.64 billion up from Sh298 billion allocated in the current financial year to enable them to take care of the Competency-Based Curriculum as well as Junior Secondary School

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