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Come, And Let Us Reason Together To Support Green Businesses

BY Juma · May 9, 2023 08:05 am


SMEs face several challenges in their everyday operations. One of the challenges faced and must be addressed is access to adequate financing.

Embracing the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement is no longer a matter of choice and wavering between embracing the thought or not.

If we are serious about improving the impact of climate change on our environment and securing a better tomorrow for our children, we must back our speech on reduction of emission reduction and supporting sustainable investments.

Our belief and stand as African Guarantee Fund (AGF), is that supporting green businesses by creating a suitable working environment for them to thrive and playing our role in the private sector will go a long way in reducing the potential damage to the environment, the economies, and our societies.

We must plan and expedite our support for green Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) throughout Africa.

SMEs face several challenges in their everyday operations. One of the challenges faced and must be addressed is access to adequate financing.

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Lending institutions need to come together in a broader spectrum to support not only businesses but zero in on those that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Climate change affects everyone.

So, you are not protected simply because you work for prestigious organizations or are running a successful business. When the environment is lacking, we are all lacking.

The more the private sector creates products and services that support Green SMEs to improve their productivity and competitiveness, the closer we get to addressing climate change and supporting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

We believe that each one of us needs to audit our habits and begin to support environmentally sustainable practices. In doing so, we play our role in fostering a greener future. We can only achieve this if we purpose to support a green business near us.

Remember, there are those small positive things that we do daily and play our individual roles in reducing the carbon footprint. We are calling on everyone to rally behind green businesses and make our world a better place.

Related Content: Why It Is Important For Everyone To Rally Behind Green Businesses

Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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