The price of Unga is still high. Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) will only sponsor 45,000 students, even the 45,000 are not sure whether they will get the money. Mama Mboga and Watu ya Boda Boda are yet to get the money. All they are getting are taxes.
He promised he will give Mama Mboga and Watu ya Boda Boda at least 50 billion shillings so that they can empower themselves. He promised to create employment opportunities by empowering the lowest people in society. He had a good plan.
Jesus turned and said unto them, those women who were crying and weeping as he was being taken for crucifixion; “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me. Weep for yourselves and your families!” And they did not understand what he was saying.
One James Aggrey Orengo stood in the Senate one day and said to Jubilee supporters then; “This government will punish you more than it will punish me, I am telling you!” Little did James Aggrey Orengo, now Governor, know that his prophecy will be manifested in governments to come.
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One President Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of Mama Ngina Kenyatta, one who was once a bosom friend of President William Ruto, warned us. He told us we shall remember him when he is finally gone. Nobody was listening. We wanted him gone.
Millions thought the Son of Jomo was a man who doesn’t keep his promises. Even his own people rejected him and said a time for liberation had come. It was a time for the Hustler Nation to rise and take over the leadership of a country.
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And so he let them. And they elected the Hustler. The Hustler Nation was happy. One of their own was in power. One who loves the “Word of God”. One who does not take Whisky. He takes only tea and holy water. One who prays and fasts like no other.
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He had promised to take down the price of Unga from 250 shillings then to 100 shillings within 100 days in office. He promised students joining universities that the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) was going to be revamped and help them.
He promised he will give Mama Mboga and Watu ya Boda Boda at least 50 billion shillings so that they can empower themselves. He promised to create employment opportunities by empowering the lowest people in society. He had a good plan.
He promised to lower the price of electricity. He promised to lower the price of fuel. He condemned the previous regime for making the common man suffer by heavily taxing petroleum products. The Hustler Nation was happy.
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Now, the President who millions had so much hope in has turned on them, after less than a year in office. He wants 3 percent of their salaries to go to building houses in the land of the unknown. He has raised the price of fuel to the highest in history, and he is thinking of doubling its tax from 8 percent to 16 percent.
The price of Unga is still high. Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) will only sponsor 45,000 students, even the 45,000 are not sure whether they will get the money. Mama Mboga and Watu ya Boda Boda are yet to get the money. All they are getting are taxes.
But what can we say? Kitawaramba! Kitawaramba. Khabusie!
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