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Does KRA Support The Growth Of SMEs In Kenya?

BY Soko Directory Team · September 18, 2024 03:09 pm

In recent times, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has faced a barrage of criticism, accused of being the grim reaper for businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The narrative suggests that KRA’s stringent regulations and rigorous compliance demands are strangling the lifeblood out of these businesses, forcing them to shutter their doors.

However, a deeper exploration into the operations and objectives of the KRA reveals a different story—one that paints the agency not as a hindrance but as a vital partner in the growth and sustenance of businesses across Kenya.

There is no doubt that the backbone of any thriving economy is its tax system, which fuels public services and infrastructure, creating an environment where businesses can flourish. Indeed, a better and friendly business environment is what makes a country brag about having a future.

KRA, as the custodian of Kenya’s tax regime, shoulders the enormous responsibility of ensuring that this system functions effectively and equitably. But to label KRA as the culprit behind business closures is to overlook the broader picture of what it means to operate within a well-regulated economy.

When someone opines that compliance with the set laws is killing businesses, makes me wonder whether evading laws is what makes businesses flourish. Compliance with tax regulations is not merely a burden but a cornerstone of sustainable business operations. Imagine an environment where tax evasion runs rampant—only the unscrupulous would thrive, leaving legitimate businesses struggling to compete. KRA’s role in maintaining compliance is thus crucial in safeguarding the integrity of the marketplace.

For years, Kenyan SMEs have complained of being locked out of the mainstream lending system by being labeled high-risk borrowers. As much as this is true, the fact behind the rejection of the millions of them is the failure to comply with legal requirements such as filing taxes, as well as keeping records.

The bitter pill that many do not want to hear is that KRA has not positioned itself as an adversary to businesses but rather as a facilitator of growth. The authority has rolled out numerous initiatives designed to ease the tax burden and support SMEs. For instance, the availability of tax amnesty or waivers by the Authority has given millions of businesses a lifeline to continue operating instead of shutting down under the weight of taxes. Tax amnesty allows businesses to discuss with KRA payment terms that work for their benefit.

Additionally, KRA has been proactive in offering tax education and advisory services to businesses. Through workshops, seminars, and online resources, the authority equips entrepreneurs with the knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of the tax system. This empowerment through education is a clear indication that KRA is not out to cripple businesses but to enable them to meet their obligations with confidence and clarity.

The allegation that KRA’s regulations are overly strict fails to recognize the flexibility embedded within the system. The authority has demonstrated a willingness to engage with businesses, particularly SMEs, to understand their challenges and offer solutions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, KRA introduced tax relief measures and extended filing deadlines to cushion businesses from the economic fallout. Such actions underscore the agency’s sensitivity to the unique pressures faced by businesses, especially in times of crisis.

Critics may argue that the compliance requirements are too rigorous, but it is essential to understand that these regulations are in place to protect the economy from the risks of tax evasion and financial mismanagement. The collapse of businesses due to poor financial practices or lack of compliance can have a ripple effect, destabilizing entire sectors. KRA’s insistence on adherence to regulations is, therefore, a protective measure, ensuring that businesses are built on solid foundations that can withstand economic fluctuations.

Furthermore, KRA’s support for businesses extends beyond tax collection. The authority actively engages with various stakeholders such as the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) among others, to foster a conducive business environment. This collaboration has led to policy reforms that aim to reduce the tax burden on SMEs and enhance their competitiveness in the global market.

While it is easy to cast KRA in the role of the villain, a closer examination reveals an agency dedicated to the growth and prosperity of Kenyan businesses. The regulations and compliance requirements enforced by KRA are not designed to stifle business but to ensure a fair, transparent, and sustainable economic landscape. Through its initiatives, education efforts, and collaborative approach, KRA is proving that it is not just a tax collector but a crucial ally in the journey of business growth and economic development in Kenya.

Read Also: KRA Ranked Among The Best Parastatals In Kenya

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