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Do Not Marry The Following People If You Want To Grow

BY Juma · July 28, 2023 10:07 am


What is interesting is, people are no longer marrying for sex. Sex can be found anywhere nowadays, either for a fee or for free. With as little as 20 shillings one can effectively be sexed and go home relaxed like a human who just came out of a premium massage parlor.

There is no perfect marriage. That is a fact. And no one has a monopoly on defining what a perfect marriage is. Even those powerful marriage advisors, in suits, great clothes, and talking like Martin Luther King have their share of marital problems.

Maybe initially people used to marry out of love. But the truth is, today, people are marrying out of convenience. Most are marrying for money and need to meet their daily bread. Love died a long time ago and marriage was commercialized.

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What is interesting is, that people are no longer marrying for sex. Sex can be found anywhere nowadays, either for a fee or for free. With as little as 20 shillings one can effectively be sexed and go home relaxed like a human who just came out of a premium massage parlor.

Marriage out of love, therefore, died. Marriage is now an investment. Like a business where two equal partners come together and invest equally for it to work. But in most marriages, this is not the case because people rush into it and regret it later.

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Do not marry the following people:

Needy people: This applies both financially and emotionally. There are humans, both men and women who are always needy. They need money, attention, special care, and anything around them from January to December while giving out none.

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People who do not respect money: Some people are so disrespectful of money. They have no idea how money is made but want more. And when given, they only stop when the money is depleted. These are people who enjoy spending other people’s money. This also applies to people who squander their own money within minutes. When they get money, they run mad and become normal as soon as the money is done.

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Non-Side Hustlers: These are some of the most dangerous humans. People who do not support what you do in terms of businesses but what the fruits that come out of it. Avoid them. Marry someone who will support your business and your career so that both of you can benefit.

Mental eruptors: This sounds funny but avoid people who become temporarily mad when you have issues. This includes people who threaten to kill you or kill themselves whenever there is a difference. One day, they will go beyond the threats.

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Your money is ours, my money is mine: Avoid these humans. They will drain you dry. You will be working for them and those around you while they use their money to either save or squander without any tangible positive development. Marry people who know when and where to help.

But there is a way out brethren. You can choose not to marry. That will give you so much freedom in this tough economy of Nabii, Zakayo, and Bombaglads!

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Juma is an enthusiastic journalist who believes that journalism has power to change the world either negatively or positively depending on how one uses it. (020) 528 0222 or Email:

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